Moisture and heat from hot water in our bathrooms create a humid environment. Small windows, dark and damp surroundings, combined with lack of proper ventilation, create an ideal atmosphere for the growth of microorganisms called mildew and molds/moulds. These are those dark green coloured or black spots on bathroom walls. Some molds cause allergies, respiratory irritation, headaches and persistent fatigue.
Install exhaust fans and ventilate the bathroom after hot water bath for about 30 minutes to prevent the growth of molds. Regular cleaning of bathroom walls can also prevent mold growth to a large extent. Tiled walls and glossy paints also tend to slow the growth of molds.
Once molds are already developed, then thoroughly cleaning them with an anti-mold or anti-fungal spray is the only option available. Specialized Twin Chain Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (Quats) are the most commonly used Disinfectant Cleaner to remove molds. It’s a two-step process where first you have to spray the affected area to kill the molds, and then gently scrub the surface to remove the dead mold growth.
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